Vacation Rental Management Services
Moab, Utah's premiere full-service vacation rental company. Featuring over 25 years of local
Full Service by Moab Locals
From owners to staff, our team of Moab locals are available 24/7/365.
Premium Marketing Services
Higher occupancy rates earned using advanced marketing techniques & analytics.
Cleaning & Maintance Services
Premium services to enhance guest experience and keep your investment in the best shape possible.
Over 25 years of local hospitality experience...
24/7/365 with local on-site support.
High occupancy and average daily rate...
Protecting the guest expereince, and your property.
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Let’s Talk About How We’ll Help You Maximize Your Investment Property!

Call us at 435-254-MOAB (6622) or email us through the contact form below.

Meet the Moab Utah Properties Team

Kali Bisco
01 / 07
Kali Bisco
Owner & Real Estate Agent

Investment property specialist with over 25 years of Hospitality Management & Real Estate experience. Life-long Moab local.

“I’m proud to have the most talented
team on board of designers, sales & marketing directors and guest experience professionals in town. Together we generate the best results in town”
Josh Bisco
02 / 07
Josh Bisco
Owner & General Contractor

Business owner and builder, specializing in service, repairs and property remodels. Life-long Moab local.

“With over 20 years of experience building and remodeling homes in Moab, workmanship and timely maintenance are our strengths. We care for our clients properties just like our own home.”
Madison Shumway
05 / 07
Madison Shumway
Executive Assistant

Life long Moab local specializing in
sales, team management and overnight rental property design.

“With our passion for design and comprehensive knowledge of the Moab marketplace, our properties stand out above the crowd.”
Shalece Shumway
07 / 07
Shalece Shumway
Guest Relations & Accounting

Moab local with 10 years of finance and
administrative experience.

“In property management the details and accuracy of our accounting are imperative. Transparency, quarterly reporting and open communications with our guests and clients are paramount for me”
Samantha Pruitt
07 / 07
Samantha Pruitt
Operations & Guest Experience

Operational and company culture guru with 15 years of perfecting the human experience in all things. Split-time Moab/California.

“Absolutely crushing the guest experience is a team sport. With a strong company culture and working collectively, we are able to elevate both the guest and property owner's expereince.”
Travis Ford
04 / 07
Travis Ford
Marketing Director

Marketing and Advertising Professional with 15 years of small business & travel industry experience. Split-time Moab/California.

“On the surface, yes, we are marketing a next-level service, but really what we get to do every day is talk about our incredible guests' experiences, and share how much they loved their trip to Moab. I love my job!”
Kali Bisco
Josh Bisco
Madison Shumway
Shalece Shumway
Samantha Pruitt
Travis Ford
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Luxury Properties

Focused soley on luxury vacation rentals in the Moab, Utah region, we exclusively partner with owners who take their investment seriously and share our high standards of of excellence.

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Quality Control
Our Services
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Relationship Focused

At Moab Utah Properties, we build relationships with our owners based on trust and ongoing accountability. We're investing in your long-term success.

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Marketing & Analytics

Using premium marketing and analytic tools, we showcase your property on an impressive website listing and across our advanced digital marketing landscape.

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Cleaning & Maintenance

Our housekeeping and maintenance teams treat each property with the utmost care. From first impressions to check-out, we strive to create the perfect guest experience each and every time.

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Why Local Matters

From the top down, we strive to source the best local talent for our properties. Moab Utah Properties excels over our competition with extensive local knowledge, experience, and 24/7 availability.